Send files

Please send your campaign material to us by uploading files here.

Fill in the form like this

Name your files
Name your file or files like this: Order number_customer_name_campaign_week/weeks_format_image number. For example: 72445_WestPride_WPFestivalen_25-26_PlayAdshel_PlayBillboard_1. Image number is used if you have two or more different designs.

Choose between Create, Play or Printing.

Please insert your own e-mail address.

Clear Channel order ID
This is stated in the PDF you got in the e-mail (order confirmation) from us regarding the booking of the campaign.

Insert the name of the advertiser.

Choose the formats you have chosen for your campaign. (If you are uncertain what you chose, please check the order confirmation).

Campaign weeks
Please insert what week number(s) the campaign is to run.

Amount of different designs
Please enter how many different designs you have.

Enter other relevant information such as:
-distribution of material (where the different motifs are to be shown, in what order)
-information about playing schedule, time periods etc.
-other relevant information you would like us to know.

Please note that if the form is not filled in as above, there is a risk that we will not be able to find your material and link it to your campaign.

(If the upload form does not load, please try reloading the entire page.)